Group Gratuity

Group Gratuity

Employers in growing organizations often find it difficult to meet the gratuity payments for their employees. With a Group Gratuity scheme, an employer can set aside funds that are pre-determined for his employees who are entitled to gratuities.

Benefits of group gratuity

  • As an employer, you receive tax benefits
  • Companies can manage the payment of gratuities to employees better
  • As employers increase, gratuity payments also rise. With group gratuity schemes, companies are able to replace their rising gratuity payouts without feeling the burden
  • Keeps your cash flow smooth
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Group Gratuity for corporates

As there are many types of group gratuity schemes, like a unit-linked investment plan or a non-participating plan, companies need to carefully select the most suitable one for their employees with the guidance of an experienced financial advisor.

We help you select the right one that provides flexibility in choosing the schemes for investment that reduce your tax obligation and help you get maximum returns.

Choosing the right Group Gratuity advisor

As experienced financial advisors, we make the process of selecting the right group gratuity scheme easier for you. From the different products, we pick the best ones that reduce your tax burden and help you make your gratuity payments without impacting your cash flow.

Technical Knowledge

At Nesting Wealth, we select an appropriate plan for you from our range of product offerings to meet your requirements. Our team will make the application process easy for you and ensure that you get the maximum benefits, including tax savings, wider coverage, and lesser premiums for your employees.

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